Jesus' Triple J Hotspot

"But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD." Joshua 24:16b


I love people!

Monday, April 24, 2006


Gee...realise tat neither my ah lao or myself have been updating much since my first and last long heartfelt sharing...Hmm...HOW CAN!! Now a short update.

Ok, so here it is. Its been a challenging past 2 weeks for me, with Jeff in Myanmar together with 3 Yth leaders-Lynn, Ser and Melly, Amanda, Jie and Major Andy.

Many things happened during those weeks, significant and insig. 1st week was Good Fri & Easter Sun where i was busy with the little skit to be put up on Sun itself, to remind everyone (incl myself on the agape love of Jesus on the cross). In the midst of it comes the bad news of my Father-in-law (FIL) and in repl of Jeff's absence, i made time to visit him in hospital everyday, well, of cos other than the daily chores as a women, n being Papa and mama for my beloved son.

2nd week passed quickly with similar activities too until the day where the team came back. Josiah and i went to welcome them back together with all other well wishers. & guess wat! Haiyah! These naughty gals!!...

While waiting for their luggages to be picked up, 3 musketeers came running up to the glass door and showed me a white bag, indicating tat they've got something back for me. Tho' i didnt show too much of expression, but in me, was excitement!

Then when 3M came out, they're so excited, asked me to close my eyes, cannot touch but took a deep breathe and such...i tot it's gonna b something creepy, slimy or wat...MYANMAR AIR (per say) is wat these cheeky 3M's brought back for me! Wat an anti-climax!!!!

But they are actually lovely la, sang me a song tats all abt me after they gave me the MA. Tot tats really sweet tho...heehee...

Ok, now back to a not-so-hectic routine (at least dun have to play Papa role anymore). & updating myself with some of my babies' blogs. Hmm...hurtings, distracted, frus, searching for God...quite a few needs there i've to pray for. But like wat one of them said "My prayer does the things, my hands cannot do..." & I truly believe that PRAYER CHANGES THINGS - tho' He may not necessary change the circumstances one is facing, or taking away the trouble one is undergoing...but perhaps is His peace that surpasses all understanding, His wisdom for us to learn how to handle or even the strength which by our own, is so limited! He KNOWS the best for us when we ask of Him!

Eh...did i say its supposed to be a short one? Oh dear. Ok, next time, it'll be short for sure. Please continue to pray for my FIL's result to be favorable, tat he will be ministered by God during this time too. Thanks readers.


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