Jesus' Triple J Hotspot

"But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD." Joshua 24:16b


I love people!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Reaching Out or Follow-Up

Which is more important?

Wats the point of reaching out when there's no follow-up?!?

I've been struggling with this for a while cos each time I hear of people being eager and on fire to reach out, I would be more than eager to ask "So, whats the follow-up plan then?"

While we may think that we've brought someone to the Lord by saying the sinner's prayer with them and welcoming them to God's family, we have actually done them a great dis-service if we fail to share with them the fundamental truths of God, like His Love (John 3:16), His strength (Phil 4:13) when we feel weak...the list goes on. There're jus so many beautiful promises and assurances that God has given us thru His Word that we'd have missed the mark if we don't share this with new believers so that they may experience the joy, peace and intimate relationship like we do!

So, friends, I urge you. Don't jus stop at saving souls, continue to run the race of transforming their lives by leading them to Christ! And how to do it? Thru the Word of God and the Holy Spirit! Don't know how? Beep me, quick quick!!!

*I love becos He first loved me and chose to die on the cross for me even while I was a sinner and was unfaithful...wat more can I ask?!?*


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