Jesus' Triple J Hotspot

"But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD." Joshua 24:16b


I love people!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Memorable Family Outing - Zoo!

I remembered we last went to the zoo on 17 Dec 2007 in celebration of Josiah's 3rd birthday cos that's one of his favorite spots.

On 18 Aug, we went to the zoo again. This time, it was a very different me it was special.

God bless the good weather tho it seemed to drizzle in the later half of our exploration but He held the rain till the end! Praise God for Your wonderful Love!

See, this outing was just Jeff, Josiah, Joshua and myself and everyone seemingly did our part in ensuring that it was a family thingy (teamwork would be how Josiah always like to put it, tsktsk) - Papa navigated, set the itinerary to where we should go first, second and thereof, to ensure that we dun miss out on any animal feedings/ shows and Josiah got his requests met to most of the animals he wanted to see...OH boy! now that Josiah knows practically all the animals, we actually need 1 FULL day to see everything!

While mama me took care of the boys' itty gritty needs that my "entertainer role" has gotten the "jie ban ren" hahaha ---------->>

It's like an "animals-out-of-the-book tour" for the kids except that the tour guides are none other than their WuLaLa PA-MA! Muhahaha...

So what's the responsibilities of the boys then?...WHat else? To ensure that they have their FUNtastic moments and enjoyed to the very last lah!

All 4 of us even took the elephant rides (oh boy! quite costly tho' now that the kiddos also have to pay), but it was really fun, with Jojo on the frontier and lil Josh smacked right between Jeff and myself! But Josh is an adventurer, he takes on all kinds of rides with a stride!

Oh, we also went to the children's playground where the boys had such rolling good time on the slide and splashing themselves with waterplay. Papa even went round "shooting" at the boys! Just seeing all the laughter and smiles on everyone's face remind me once again to be constantly thankful.

Last pit stop- one of the boys' favorite eateries (even for big boy papa), KFC! Well, Josiah got his last request of the day (chicky meal)...and that ends our beautiful outing...well physically (cos it's still beautiful as I think back each time, aww...)

Didnt take much pics tho, but it's ok...the memories stay vivid in my mind...

Lord, I thank you for a wonderful family time at the zoo.

Thank you for the incredible priviledge/s You have bestowed me here on earth; a lover a.k.a. husband to love and cherish; be a support and companion to; 2 lovely boys we can nurture from birth to prepare and equip them to become men after Your heart.

Phew! Glad I finally pen them down cos this entry has been delayed for a month already! heehee...

He has made everything beautiful in its time ~ Eccl 3:11


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