Jesus' Triple J Hotspot

"But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD." Joshua 24:16b


I love people!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Christian Living - Search For Life

Hmm...Had an interesting conversation with Lyn (one of the missionaries from Australia) yesterday, where we had a fruitful discussion on kids and family.

In a workshop she facilitated back in Perth called "Search For Life", she shared 3 main areas in which every human is searching for (knowingly or unknowingly), be it with our loved ones, at workplace or thru peer-

Being Accepted
Being Valued
Being Belonged

And I true! It's just like the desires of any Christian who wants to be accepted by God, be valued by Him as His child (eg. through the things we do for Him) and feel belonged in His family. The amazing thing is that WE ARE A.V.B. by Him! And we don't need to fit into His "category/ schedule/ expectations/ pre-requisites" for He love us JUST AS WE ARE...that's the grace (undeserved favor) of our beloved Father...

And this desire applies the same towards man as well - to be accepted as who we are, to be valued and belonged, I must say that very often, we have to work hard at being A.V.B. by man, don't you think?...and cos of that, some of us ended up in the wrong direction; added on more problems that we already have and wished we could just turn back the clock...

So has anyone of you yet to receive Him as your personal Lord and Saviour? If you have not invited Him to your heart today, you have missed out the wonderful priviledge of being loved JUST AS YOU ARE, special in His sight...

"Lord I thank you for accepting me (a woman who comes with much weaknesses, not much of strengths, heehee); valued me by using me for your kingdom work and giving me a body of Yours (church) where I can belong. Amen."


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