Jesus' Triple J Hotspot

"But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD." Joshua 24:16b


I love people!

Saturday, December 05, 2009

A T-shirt Tells A Thousand Word! [Evangelism]

Gee...the latest blog entry was in Jan 09 and now is only my 2nd entry!!! How time flies!!!

Well, thought to pen down this memorable moment where Josiah had his first ever evangelism with a child of his the Budget Terminal playground after sending his Papa off last evening!

Got him a t-shirt "Armor of God" and Joshua "Sin Stinks" for Christmas last year. Josiah's tee has a "transformer kinda figure" where each component of armor of God is displayed. A boy playing at the playground caught sight of it and asked him "which transformer character is that?"

Josiah told him "The transformer is about God, God is more powerful than all the transformers like Bumblebee, Megatron or even Optimus Prime!" He came running to me and was telling me what the boy asked and what he replied to him....I was TOTALLY AMAZED! and TOTALLY IN AWE of God's work upon this young life.

Well, the next thing you heard them saying to one another are the little arguements they had while playing "No, bumblebee is more powerful!" said the boy...."No, God is more powerful than the bumblebee!" said Jojo...And me? I was smiling thanks in my heart of what I see and hear...I'm sure Jeff would be too, with all the affirming words to our dear boy if he's around...

So, what does that also remind me and my readers? That ANYTHING & ANYWHERE can be an opportunity to share Christ with others! A simple earring, t-shirt, shoe....or just simply us! can be a living example to share Christ, it doesnt have to be in a "setting"... a circumstance...

~have a blessed weekend~


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