Jesus' Triple J Hotspot

"But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD." Joshua 24:16b


I love people!

Monday, September 20, 2010

MISSION IS THE VERY ESSENCE OF CHURCH is not meant to be a department by itself...

...rather, MISSION should be the VERY essence of God's body...

...MISSION is our response to "God's invitation" who formed the nations and is constatnly at work amongst them...

Rev 7:9-10 (PICTURE THIS!)

...Our response??? Not someone else BUT each of us...
Not just a submissive heart, but a yielded heart that says "yes Lord", not "what Lord" (what do you want me to do there? What can I offer?...) first...

Thank you, Joe for a powerful sharing on MISSION.

Dear Lord, prepare us (J Family) to be ready to respond to your call wherever you call us. May we have a "Yes Lord" posture before you and may your purpose and will be fulfilled in this family that you have put together, both young and old. Amen.


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