Jesus' Triple J Hotspot

"But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD." Joshua 24:16b


I love people!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Put your "knife" away!

Ever felt so terrible when you go all way out to help somebody genuinely, not only there is no appreciation nor affirmation (oh well, it's ok cos you just wanna help-so you comfort yourself) BUT instead, you got "told off", sarcastic remark and all?? gee!!!....

was sharing with God this morning (better to share with Him than humans cos these are not edifying and if shared to another person, you will never know who this other person will share with! Ha!), and as I open the reading for today, it was entitled "CUTTING REMARKS"!!!

Taken from Daily Bread reading today, Prov 12:17-22 shed some wisdom in how we need to put our "multi-bladed swiss army knife" aka TONGUE that gossip, slander, hurt, wound, sows discord, boasting, lying away and use our words to help and heal. That is the only way to rule our relationships as well.

These outburst are only the tip of the iceberg. What lies underneath are actually unhealthy attitudes of anger, irritation, frustration and impatience- even disappointment, stress, guilt and insecurity which flows from within us and contribute to our damaging speech.

So dun let these fuel in your heart, don't let them fester. Deal with them the minute it's been "detected".

God has graciously given us forgiving love, grace, mercy and truth.
How far are you from each of this?
How much are they contained inside of you?

Dear Lord, search my heart today and replace all of the unhealthy attitudes with your attributes so that my words may be pleasing and edifying and build others up at all times. In Jesus name I pray, amen.


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