Jesus' Triple J Hotspot
"But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD." Joshua 24:16b
Monday, December 27, 2010
God, you know my heart and thoughts.
I know this angel is sent by you
the minute she told me she felt Spirit-led to come by.
Thank you my Father,
You always never fail to show up
or do something when I needed it;
Even when I didn't share with you much,
you perceive my thoughts and feel my heart.
Thank God for you my dear dear friend,
who always stood by me and keep watch over me.
I am loved.
Friday, December 17, 2010
Where did it ALL go wrong?
It is with deep burden and sadness that I've been hearing (tho it's been ongoing for a long while) of how within a church, people are seemingly "judging" how or why the other brother/ sister serves, the agenda behind and so forth; spiritual leaders who talked behind others' back without first finding the truth by going directly to the brother/ sister and seek clarification.
How or should I ask WHY did these happen in Christian community? What's God's ultimate purpose for His people? Isn't it to love one another? So what is loving one another? Isn't it to encourage, spur, correct and rebuke, all to be done in love? Has the world thwarted these words that is so clearly stated in the Bible, or human nature out of their own agenda? And WAIT, didn't God say so CLEARLY in His words "Do not gossip", on how "only foolish people would cause dissension"?
Why should one question about one's service to God if he/she just wants to reach out to the needy and do what is missing in the light of building up (strengthening) the body of Christ? Shouldn't we be looking at the fruit of the service that comes out from one whereby lives are touched, transformed and souls are saved?
Yet, so often, Christians are so caught up in the battlement and tension within the body of Christ (church) that precious, limited TIME is wasted instead of doing WHAT OUGHT TO BE DONE.
The crux of the above could easily be sum up by James 3:3-6, 9-18:-
When we put bits into the mouths of horses to make them obey us, we can turn the whole animal. Or take ships as an example. Although they are so large and are driven by strong winds, they are steered by a very small rudder wherever the pilot wants to go. Likewise, the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark. The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole body, sets the whole course of one’s life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell.
With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse human beings, who have been made in God’s likeness. Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers and sisters, this should not be.
Who is wise and understanding among you? Let them show it by their good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom. But if you harbor bitter envy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast about it or deny the truth. Such “wisdom” does not come down from heaven but is earthly, unspiritual, demonic. For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice.
But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness.
Does your being (speech and action) display earthly or Godly wisdom? Which of the wisdom would you DESIRE to have my dear brothers and sisters?
If it is God's wisdom you desire, I pray that you will join me in prayer to proclaim EVERY word mentioned in God's wisdom and CONSCIOUSLY apply them in our daily lives. Carve them upon our hearts today.
Make this a resolution for 2011.
God bless.
How or should I ask WHY did these happen in Christian community? What's God's ultimate purpose for His people? Isn't it to love one another? So what is loving one another? Isn't it to encourage, spur, correct and rebuke, all to be done in love? Has the world thwarted these words that is so clearly stated in the Bible, or human nature out of their own agenda? And WAIT, didn't God say so CLEARLY in His words "Do not gossip", on how "only foolish people would cause dissension"?
Why should one question about one's service to God if he/she just wants to reach out to the needy and do what is missing in the light of building up (strengthening) the body of Christ? Shouldn't we be looking at the fruit of the service that comes out from one whereby lives are touched, transformed and souls are saved?
Yet, so often, Christians are so caught up in the battlement and tension within the body of Christ (church) that precious, limited TIME is wasted instead of doing WHAT OUGHT TO BE DONE.
The crux of the above could easily be sum up by James 3:3-6, 9-18:-
When we put bits into the mouths of horses to make them obey us, we can turn the whole animal. Or take ships as an example. Although they are so large and are driven by strong winds, they are steered by a very small rudder wherever the pilot wants to go. Likewise, the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark. The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole body, sets the whole course of one’s life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell.
With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse human beings, who have been made in God’s likeness. Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers and sisters, this should not be.
Who is wise and understanding among you? Let them show it by their good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom. But if you harbor bitter envy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast about it or deny the truth. Such “wisdom” does not come down from heaven but is earthly, unspiritual, demonic. For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice.
But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness.
Does your being (speech and action) display earthly or Godly wisdom? Which of the wisdom would you DESIRE to have my dear brothers and sisters?
If it is God's wisdom you desire, I pray that you will join me in prayer to proclaim EVERY word mentioned in God's wisdom and CONSCIOUSLY apply them in our daily lives. Carve them upon our hearts today.
Make this a resolution for 2011.
God bless.
Tuesday, December 07, 2010
God doesnt comfort us to make us comfortable; He...
comforts us to make us COMFORTERS.
Read 2 Cor 1:3-11
Encouragement of the day:
The comfort God has given us
He wants us now to share
With others who are suffering
So they will sense His care.
(Taken from Daily Bread devotion, Dec7 2010)
Read 2 Cor 1:3-11
Encouragement of the day:
The comfort God has given us
He wants us now to share
With others who are suffering
So they will sense His care.
(Taken from Daily Bread devotion, Dec7 2010)
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Looking for Someone Special...
This is especially dedicated to our princes at home and readers who are looking for that someone in your relationship...
I read with interest today in what Ps Rick shared about Patience & Perserverence...tho' it shared about God's perfect timing on reaching our goals instead of gratification, he referred us to Genesis 24 where people of God would look towards God in choosing the right partner/ lover in their lives...
I remembered some youth ever asked: Ms Jo, how do you know if the girl/ boy is from God?
Before I shared my thoughts on another entry, I urge you to give a read on that chapter and share with me yours first...
Hear from you again. Don't rush...
Time for church =)
I read with interest today in what Ps Rick shared about Patience & Perserverence...tho' it shared about God's perfect timing on reaching our goals instead of gratification, he referred us to Genesis 24 where people of God would look towards God in choosing the right partner/ lover in their lives...
I remembered some youth ever asked: Ms Jo, how do you know if the girl/ boy is from God?
Before I shared my thoughts on another entry, I urge you to give a read on that chapter and share with me yours first...
Hear from you again. Don't rush...
Time for church =)
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Put your "knife" away!
Ever felt so terrible when you go all way out to help somebody genuinely, not only there is no appreciation nor affirmation (oh well, it's ok cos you just wanna help-so you comfort yourself) BUT instead, you got "told off", sarcastic remark and all?? gee!!!....
was sharing with God this morning (better to share with Him than humans cos these are not edifying and if shared to another person, you will never know who this other person will share with! Ha!), and as I open the reading for today, it was entitled "CUTTING REMARKS"!!!
Taken from Daily Bread reading today, Prov 12:17-22 shed some wisdom in how we need to put our "multi-bladed swiss army knife" aka TONGUE that gossip, slander, hurt, wound, sows discord, boasting, lying away and use our words to help and heal. That is the only way to rule our relationships as well.
These outburst are only the tip of the iceberg. What lies underneath are actually unhealthy attitudes of anger, irritation, frustration and impatience- even disappointment, stress, guilt and insecurity which flows from within us and contribute to our damaging speech.
So dun let these fuel in your heart, don't let them fester. Deal with them the minute it's been "detected".
God has graciously given us forgiving love, grace, mercy and truth.
How far are you from each of this?
How much are they contained inside of you?
Dear Lord, search my heart today and replace all of the unhealthy attitudes with your attributes so that my words may be pleasing and edifying and build others up at all times. In Jesus name I pray, amen.
was sharing with God this morning (better to share with Him than humans cos these are not edifying and if shared to another person, you will never know who this other person will share with! Ha!), and as I open the reading for today, it was entitled "CUTTING REMARKS"!!!
Taken from Daily Bread reading today, Prov 12:17-22 shed some wisdom in how we need to put our "multi-bladed swiss army knife" aka TONGUE that gossip, slander, hurt, wound, sows discord, boasting, lying away and use our words to help and heal. That is the only way to rule our relationships as well.
These outburst are only the tip of the iceberg. What lies underneath are actually unhealthy attitudes of anger, irritation, frustration and impatience- even disappointment, stress, guilt and insecurity which flows from within us and contribute to our damaging speech.
So dun let these fuel in your heart, don't let them fester. Deal with them the minute it's been "detected".
God has graciously given us forgiving love, grace, mercy and truth.
How far are you from each of this?
How much are they contained inside of you?
Dear Lord, search my heart today and replace all of the unhealthy attitudes with your attributes so that my words may be pleasing and edifying and build others up at all times. In Jesus name I pray, amen.
Monday, September 20, 2010
MISSION IS THE VERY ESSENCE OF CHURCH is not meant to be a department by itself...
...rather, MISSION should be the VERY essence of God's body...
...MISSION is our response to "God's invitation" who formed the nations and is constatnly at work amongst them...
Rev 7:9-10 (PICTURE THIS!)
...Our response??? Not someone else BUT each of us...
Not just a submissive heart, but a yielded heart that says "yes Lord", not "what Lord" (what do you want me to do there? What can I offer?...) first...
Thank you, Joe for a powerful sharing on MISSION.
Dear Lord, prepare us (J Family) to be ready to respond to your call wherever you call us. May we have a "Yes Lord" posture before you and may your purpose and will be fulfilled in this family that you have put together, both young and old. Amen.
...rather, MISSION should be the VERY essence of God's body...
...MISSION is our response to "God's invitation" who formed the nations and is constatnly at work amongst them...
Rev 7:9-10 (PICTURE THIS!)
...Our response??? Not someone else BUT each of us...
Not just a submissive heart, but a yielded heart that says "yes Lord", not "what Lord" (what do you want me to do there? What can I offer?...) first...
Thank you, Joe for a powerful sharing on MISSION.
Dear Lord, prepare us (J Family) to be ready to respond to your call wherever you call us. May we have a "Yes Lord" posture before you and may your purpose and will be fulfilled in this family that you have put together, both young and old. Amen.
Friday, September 03, 2010
Then why do we still face trials???
I read with much thoughts about what Ps Rick shared in his e-devotion today, where he referred to the scripture in Isaiah 43:25 "God forgives our sins and will not hold our sins against us."
Defensive Jo was quick to question: If so, why does trial and terrible things happen if it is not to discipline us??....
But as I reflect, realise that more often than not, if we just allow the Spirit to guide us, it is not difficult to see that it is carnal selves who have caused trials to happen over time, our attitude, actions and even speech...
Yes, while it's true that sometimes we are badly treated, wrongly accused and the list goes on. But, how we react to every situation makes alot of difference. Spend some moment to think about it, everything does has its implications as we think deeper...
God does forgive our sins and will not hold our sins against us. And He allows things to happen only to sharpen and refine us. Before we point fingers and start blaming others, let's do a self check by first committing ourselves to the Lord in prayer:-
"Search me, O God, and know my heart;
test me and know my anxious thoughts.
See if there is any offensive way in me
and lead me in the way everlasting." (Psa 139:23-30)
In Jesus name I pray, amen
Defensive Jo was quick to question: If so, why does trial and terrible things happen if it is not to discipline us??....
But as I reflect, realise that more often than not, if we just allow the Spirit to guide us, it is not difficult to see that it is carnal selves who have caused trials to happen over time, our attitude, actions and even speech...
Yes, while it's true that sometimes we are badly treated, wrongly accused and the list goes on. But, how we react to every situation makes alot of difference. Spend some moment to think about it, everything does has its implications as we think deeper...
God does forgive our sins and will not hold our sins against us. And He allows things to happen only to sharpen and refine us. Before we point fingers and start blaming others, let's do a self check by first committing ourselves to the Lord in prayer:-
"Search me, O God, and know my heart;
test me and know my anxious thoughts.
See if there is any offensive way in me
and lead me in the way everlasting." (Psa 139:23-30)
In Jesus name I pray, amen
Monday, August 09, 2010
Time To Check Our Spiritual Orientation
In just 2 days before Singapore's 45th celebration, author wrote this self-inventory test for readers to reflect on the "questions we are mostly likely to ask after a worship experience to see if we have become individualistic and consumerist in our worship:-
How was the worship? OR Did I worship?
How was the sermon? OR Did I listen with a heart to obey?
Was I ministered to? OR Did I minister to others?
As God to re-wire us so that our commitment and priority in worship will always be to glorify God by edifying (to enlighten or inform so as to uplift spiritually) others." (quoted from City of God 40 Days Prayer booklet)
Have I mentioned to you before about the 7 Gates of Influence which Pastors and Spiritual Leaders in Singapore come together to intercede for Singapore every quarter or so? I had the priviledge to attend the Family Gate almost 2 months ago and have been reminded of the following:-
To build the nation,
manage our church;
To build our church;
manage our family.
Family is God-given; a blessing. And in this blessing, there is a purpose for each of us to fulfill-God's purpose.
I would like to bite-size what it entails in the family:-
Husband and wife
LOVE each other. It is your best gift to your children
They will model what God's love truly means when they see all your love in actions-even in difficult situations or how great your differences may seem to be humanly).
It is an uphill task, but God will see us through all these and the fruit will come when we see our children growing up in Godly love and ways, loving and blessing others like Jesus would...
Parents, we are half the journey or even lesser to account to God for our words and actions, but these children have a life-time to continue the kingdom work. So what is God's desired outcome of each child?...
Father, I thank you for the privilege to join with hundreds of fellow brothers and sisters in Christ to intercede for Singapore last evening; praying for the 7 Gates of Influence and future generation of Singapore-youth & children. I rejoice with you as the little ones (even Joshua in his simple prayer) praying out loud to you). I give thanks as Josiah joined me in declaring out loud that "I am important to God. I play an important part..." together with all the rest of your people. Lord, empower us to do your kingdom work. Keep our minds focus on you, gracious Father. And may each of our lives be a living testimony to glorify your Holy Name. Amen.
How was the worship? OR Did I worship?
How was the sermon? OR Did I listen with a heart to obey?
Was I ministered to? OR Did I minister to others?
As God to re-wire us so that our commitment and priority in worship will always be to glorify God by edifying (to enlighten or inform so as to uplift spiritually) others." (quoted from City of God 40 Days Prayer booklet)
Have I mentioned to you before about the 7 Gates of Influence which Pastors and Spiritual Leaders in Singapore come together to intercede for Singapore every quarter or so? I had the priviledge to attend the Family Gate almost 2 months ago and have been reminded of the following:-
To build the nation,
manage our church;
To build our church;
manage our family.
Family is God-given; a blessing. And in this blessing, there is a purpose for each of us to fulfill-God's purpose.
I would like to bite-size what it entails in the family:-
Husband and wife
LOVE each other. It is your best gift to your children
They will model what God's love truly means when they see all your love in actions-even in difficult situations or how great your differences may seem to be humanly).
It is an uphill task, but God will see us through all these and the fruit will come when we see our children growing up in Godly love and ways, loving and blessing others like Jesus would...
Parents, we are half the journey or even lesser to account to God for our words and actions, but these children have a life-time to continue the kingdom work. So what is God's desired outcome of each child?...
Father, I thank you for the privilege to join with hundreds of fellow brothers and sisters in Christ to intercede for Singapore last evening; praying for the 7 Gates of Influence and future generation of Singapore-youth & children. I rejoice with you as the little ones (even Joshua in his simple prayer) praying out loud to you). I give thanks as Josiah joined me in declaring out loud that "I am important to God. I play an important part..." together with all the rest of your people. Lord, empower us to do your kingdom work. Keep our minds focus on you, gracious Father. And may each of our lives be a living testimony to glorify your Holy Name. Amen.
Monday, August 02, 2010
How do we know if it is from the Holy Spirit?...
I often have this question in mind..."How do I know if this is really from God?"
Then, walah!...July 31 where the 40 days prayer booklet was mentioning about all good gifts, it gave the following guideline to my query and I would like to quote what the author has written so beautifully:-
"How do we know if a word of knowledge, a prophecy, or some other supernatural manifestation is from the Holy, the human spirit, or an evil spirit?
Paul does not leave such important questions to guesswork. In 1 Cor 12-14, he gives us a set of clear principles for DISCERNING spiritual manifestations and spiritual people:
1: Do they exalt Jesus Christ as Lord?
2: Do they preserve diversity in unity?
3: Are they exercised in love?
4: Do they edify the body?"
There are just so too many impactful God-inspired sharings which the author has given from 1 Corinthian Sciptures for Pastors, church leaders, you and me alike.
Have you read, meditate and intercede for God's body and our nation? If not, would you allocate sometime on your own to read 1 Corinthians and join me in this venture?
7 days and counting...children of God, rise up and PUSH (Pray Until Something Happen)! Let's stand in the Truth and live by the TRUTH!
Dear Lord, may you grant me the discernment to hear Your still small voice. May you increase and I decrease. Amen.
Then, walah!...July 31 where the 40 days prayer booklet was mentioning about all good gifts, it gave the following guideline to my query and I would like to quote what the author has written so beautifully:-
"How do we know if a word of knowledge, a prophecy, or some other supernatural manifestation is from the Holy, the human spirit, or an evil spirit?
Paul does not leave such important questions to guesswork. In 1 Cor 12-14, he gives us a set of clear principles for DISCERNING spiritual manifestations and spiritual people:
1: Do they exalt Jesus Christ as Lord?
2: Do they preserve diversity in unity?
3: Are they exercised in love?
4: Do they edify the body?"
There are just so too many impactful God-inspired sharings which the author has given from 1 Corinthian Sciptures for Pastors, church leaders, you and me alike.
Have you read, meditate and intercede for God's body and our nation? If not, would you allocate sometime on your own to read 1 Corinthians and join me in this venture?
7 days and counting...children of God, rise up and PUSH (Pray Until Something Happen)! Let's stand in the Truth and live by the TRUTH!
Dear Lord, may you grant me the discernment to hear Your still small voice. May you increase and I decrease. Amen.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
...that a parent can ever give to his/her child is to love their wife/husband, always be on the lookout for she/he, respect her/him and be a good support to her/him..." (quoted by Dr Michael during his sharing on Raising Godly children)
I like that quote, together with many others which he shared which had brought greater insight to parenting Godly children. It has also once again affirms my decision of looking at a home-based job rather than an office job so I can spend more time with my kids which our good Lord has bestowed us.
Recently I've been using this quote alot "nib the butt while they are young cos it'll be harder to try and fix it when they grow older". I guess as I see my older boy going through this phase of his life, it has given me quite some "warning signs" that I need to do something about it and what is required of me is time - time to spend with him listening to what is actually feeling/ thinking inside of him, time to digest what he shares, time to give my input, and time to lead him towards Christ-like thinking...
Oh...and did I mention TIME is the key to the situation I am in so I can build purposeful relationship with my older which in turn the younger will also be blessed as he models after all that his older brother says or does.
With better time management (not having so many things on my plate), it gives me clearer focus on what I can do, and the amount of space I have to take deep breath (when they get on my nerves) without me having to react in the negative way (which will not be what God will do if He is in my situation! So undesirable!) Rather, I can take pockets of moment to think of constructive ways to turn all the ugly scenarios to something for the better!
Like another quote that John (who faciliated the parenting workshop 2 Sundays ago) used- "turn the children weakness into potential strength"...How true!
He added on to share how our make up and knowing our kids make up via DISC profile, can help us effectively connect with our children (even in discipline) and be aware of potential conflicts with them...wonderful application!
"Fathers (Mothers alike), do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord" ~ Eph 6:4
Father, may You lead us and guide us to do just that. Amen.
I like that quote, together with many others which he shared which had brought greater insight to parenting Godly children. It has also once again affirms my decision of looking at a home-based job rather than an office job so I can spend more time with my kids which our good Lord has bestowed us.
Recently I've been using this quote alot "nib the butt while they are young cos it'll be harder to try and fix it when they grow older". I guess as I see my older boy going through this phase of his life, it has given me quite some "warning signs" that I need to do something about it and what is required of me is time - time to spend with him listening to what is actually feeling/ thinking inside of him, time to digest what he shares, time to give my input, and time to lead him towards Christ-like thinking...
Oh...and did I mention TIME is the key to the situation I am in so I can build purposeful relationship with my older which in turn the younger will also be blessed as he models after all that his older brother says or does.
With better time management (not having so many things on my plate), it gives me clearer focus on what I can do, and the amount of space I have to take deep breath (when they get on my nerves) without me having to react in the negative way (which will not be what God will do if He is in my situation! So undesirable!) Rather, I can take pockets of moment to think of constructive ways to turn all the ugly scenarios to something for the better!
Like another quote that John (who faciliated the parenting workshop 2 Sundays ago) used- "turn the children weakness into potential strength"...How true!
He added on to share how our make up and knowing our kids make up via DISC profile, can help us effectively connect with our children (even in discipline) and be aware of potential conflicts with them...wonderful application!
"Fathers (Mothers alike), do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord" ~ Eph 6:4
Father, may You lead us and guide us to do just that. Amen.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Who's Who??!!
Felt so compelled and convicted to pen down this very devotion I read under 40 Day 2010- City of God Devotion booklet to pray for the nation.
Cos it writes EXACTLY what my heart has been crying out for the past few years while serving my Master. And today, I cried out even more when I am able to fully petition to the Lord with those exact words from the author who seemed to draw out my heart's burden for the church.
Sharing from 1 Corinthians 3:5-9 where the bible talked about 2 Godly leaders, this is what stood out to me...
"Paul insists that he and Apollos are merely labourers on God's farm. One ploughs the ground. Another plans the seed. One waters the field. Another reaps the harvest. God assignes each a task. As God's farmhands, Paul and Apollos are NOT in competition. They ARE ONE. They are united around a common cause: HARVEST! They are equal and equally nothing before God as far as the produce is concerned. God ALONE makes the seed grow. So there is NO-POINT hero-worshipping. You are God's field, says Paul. And who are we? We are just SERVANTS, working together for God and for you. We ARE ONE, WHY AREN'T YOU?
Leaders are KEY to UNITY. Paul and Apollos were one. But their flock was divided, ironically, over them! The odd thing about Corinthian jealousy and strife is that it wasnt about lovers, money or material things - the normal stuff worldly people fight over. It was about spiritual things and spiritual leaders!
Compared to Apollos, the Corinthians rated Paul poorly. But Paul never saw Apollos as a rival. He esteemed him as an equal, a fellow worker. Both were men, not children. They were above petty sibling rivalry seething away in the Corinthian creche. Are we?
Are we pulling together?
Read Phil 2:1-4 aloud a few times and personalise the prayer as the author wrote.
Lord, as I commit myself to live out this calling in Phil 2:1-4, may you lead and guide me through every step of the way, fixing my eyes on You alone...amen.
Cos it writes EXACTLY what my heart has been crying out for the past few years while serving my Master. And today, I cried out even more when I am able to fully petition to the Lord with those exact words from the author who seemed to draw out my heart's burden for the church.
Sharing from 1 Corinthians 3:5-9 where the bible talked about 2 Godly leaders, this is what stood out to me...
"Paul insists that he and Apollos are merely labourers on God's farm. One ploughs the ground. Another plans the seed. One waters the field. Another reaps the harvest. God assignes each a task. As God's farmhands, Paul and Apollos are NOT in competition. They ARE ONE. They are united around a common cause: HARVEST! They are equal and equally nothing before God as far as the produce is concerned. God ALONE makes the seed grow. So there is NO-POINT hero-worshipping. You are God's field, says Paul. And who are we? We are just SERVANTS, working together for God and for you. We ARE ONE, WHY AREN'T YOU?
Leaders are KEY to UNITY. Paul and Apollos were one. But their flock was divided, ironically, over them! The odd thing about Corinthian jealousy and strife is that it wasnt about lovers, money or material things - the normal stuff worldly people fight over. It was about spiritual things and spiritual leaders!
Compared to Apollos, the Corinthians rated Paul poorly. But Paul never saw Apollos as a rival. He esteemed him as an equal, a fellow worker. Both were men, not children. They were above petty sibling rivalry seething away in the Corinthian creche. Are we?
Are we pulling together?
Read Phil 2:1-4 aloud a few times and personalise the prayer as the author wrote.
Lord, as I commit myself to live out this calling in Phil 2:1-4, may you lead and guide me through every step of the way, fixing my eyes on You alone...amen.
Faith With Actions
"What good is it, dear brothers and sisters,
if you say you have faith but don't show it by your acitons?
Can that kind of faith save anyone?
Suppose you see a brother or sister who has no food or clothing,
and you say, "Goodbye and have a good day; stay warm and eat well"-
but then you don't give that person any food or clothing.
What good does that do? So you see, faith by itself isn't enough.
Unless it produces good deeds, it is dead and useless."
James 2:14-17 (NLT)
"The leap of faith always means loving without expective to be loved in return, without wanting to receive, inviting without hoping to be invited, holding without asking to be held" ~ Henri Nouwen
Thursday, June 17, 2010
The Straight Path

Just a common path with splits but yet it tells of a thousand words.
Mind filled with much doubts and fear makes me have a hard look at it, before deciding which path i should take and why.
The curvy one which seemingly is the short cut to the office, denotes (to me personally) also human nature thoughts and feelings of anxiety & worry which I could entertain throughout these few days, and choose to react the way I want.
Or, the straight path that just takes alittle while longer, but denotes a lesser struggle in life as one puts all her doubts and fear (all that is visible) to the hands of the Invisible and let Him take full control of it?
In the end, I chose. The straight path. As I walked every step of it, I said to the Lord, I am walking in a "blind faith" now Lord- Blind to what I see, putting my faith to what I cannot see. Each step I take, I claim His goodness, mercy, righteousness, faithfulness, blessing.
Just so hard humanly...but I had to physically take the step...of faith and see the Lord's handiwork unfolds in time to come.
Thank you Father, for who you are and what you are.
Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make your paths straight. ~ Prov 3:5-6
I am claiming just this promise of His today. Will you do the same in whatever situation you are in?
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Faithful Friends
“Faithful friends are a sturdy shelter:
whoever finds one has found a treasure.
Faithful friends are beyond price;
no amount can balance their worth.
Faithful friends are life-saving medicine;
and those who fear the Lord will find them.”
Ecclesiastes or Sirach 6:14-16 NRSV
~ Lord, please bless me & my family with faithful friends! ~
Friday, April 09, 2010
"I Have Eternal Life!"...
Those were the exact words from Josiah on 7 April 2010.
This very significant BIG day marked the new spiritual birth of our beloved older son Josiah. Rewinding how this all happened...
31 Mar, Wed- BSF shared about the Samaritan woman at the well (John 4) and how Jesus gave "living water" (ie. eternal life) to those who ask and believe. The Samaritan woman asked, believed and immediately received the living water Jesus promised her. She was so filled with the Spirit that she went back to the town to share with her townsfolk (note that she did not associate herself with them cos of her 5 former all about it yourself in the bible).
7 Apr, Wed- Rushing to BSF and was trying to recap our previous lesson with the kids (in case some of you don't know, both Josiah and Joshua attend their preschool BSF program).
Setting: crossing the long bridge from bus stop to St Andrew Village
Josiah: Mama how do we have eternal life?
Mama: You need to believe that Jesus is the true God, invite Him into your life. We usually said the sinner's prayer to invite Him, that is, to tell Him that we have done naughty things in the past, asked Him to forgive us our sins; invite Him to your life and then on, live a life to please Him... (something like that, can't remember the exact words liao...haiz)
Josiah: I want to say the sinners prayer now, I want eternal life now!...
Mama: On the bridge? the surrounding is too noisy, let's do it at a quieter place, either at BSF or at home, ok?
Josiah (excitedly still): ok ok...
To cut the story short, in the presence of Papa, Mama, and Didi, we witnessed our beloved Josiah saying the sinner's prayer and receiving Christ after BSF!
All of us congratulated and gave him our hugs =) & his reply was simply
"Yeah!!! I have eternal life already!"
Praise be to God! Our prayers are answered! As for Joshua, AKAN DATANG! lol...
This very significant BIG day marked the new spiritual birth of our beloved older son Josiah. Rewinding how this all happened...
31 Mar, Wed- BSF shared about the Samaritan woman at the well (John 4) and how Jesus gave "living water" (ie. eternal life) to those who ask and believe. The Samaritan woman asked, believed and immediately received the living water Jesus promised her. She was so filled with the Spirit that she went back to the town to share with her townsfolk (note that she did not associate herself with them cos of her 5 former all about it yourself in the bible).
7 Apr, Wed- Rushing to BSF and was trying to recap our previous lesson with the kids (in case some of you don't know, both Josiah and Joshua attend their preschool BSF program).
Setting: crossing the long bridge from bus stop to St Andrew Village
Josiah: Mama how do we have eternal life?
Mama: You need to believe that Jesus is the true God, invite Him into your life. We usually said the sinner's prayer to invite Him, that is, to tell Him that we have done naughty things in the past, asked Him to forgive us our sins; invite Him to your life and then on, live a life to please Him... (something like that, can't remember the exact words liao...haiz)
Josiah: I want to say the sinners prayer now, I want eternal life now!...
Mama: On the bridge? the surrounding is too noisy, let's do it at a quieter place, either at BSF or at home, ok?
Josiah (excitedly still): ok ok...
To cut the story short, in the presence of Papa, Mama, and Didi, we witnessed our beloved Josiah saying the sinner's prayer and receiving Christ after BSF!
All of us congratulated and gave him our hugs =) & his reply was simply
"Yeah!!! I have eternal life already!"
Praise be to God! Our prayers are answered! As for Joshua, AKAN DATANG! lol...