Jesus' Triple J Hotspot

"But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD." Joshua 24:16b


I love people!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


...that a parent can ever give to his/her child is to love their wife/husband, always be on the lookout for she/he, respect her/him and be a good support to her/him..." (quoted by Dr Michael during his sharing on Raising Godly children)

I like that quote, together with many others which he shared which had brought greater insight to parenting Godly children. It has also once again affirms my decision of looking at a home-based job rather than an office job so I can spend more time with my kids which our good Lord has bestowed us.

Recently I've been using this quote alot "nib the butt while they are young cos it'll be harder to try and fix it when they grow older". I guess as I see my older boy going through this phase of his life, it has given me quite some "warning signs" that I need to do something about it and what is required of me is time - time to spend with him listening to what is actually feeling/ thinking inside of him, time to digest what he shares, time to give my input, and time to lead him towards Christ-like thinking...

Oh...and did I mention TIME is the key to the situation I am in so I can build purposeful relationship with my older which in turn the younger will also be blessed as he models after all that his older brother says or does.

With better time management (not having so many things on my plate), it gives me clearer focus on what I can do, and the amount of space I have to take deep breath (when they get on my nerves) without me having to react in the negative way (which will not be what God will do if He is in my situation! So undesirable!) Rather, I can take pockets of moment to think of constructive ways to turn all the ugly scenarios to something for the better!

Like another quote that John (who faciliated the parenting workshop 2 Sundays ago) used- "turn the children weakness into potential strength"...How true!

He added on to share how our make up and knowing our kids make up via DISC profile, can help us effectively connect with our children (even in discipline) and be aware of potential conflicts with them...wonderful application!

"Fathers (Mothers alike), do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord" ~ Eph 6:4

Father, may You lead us and guide us to do just that. Amen.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Who's Who??!!

Felt so compelled and convicted to pen down this very devotion I read under 40 Day 2010- City of God Devotion booklet to pray for the nation.

Cos it writes EXACTLY what my heart has been crying out for the past few years while serving my Master. And today, I cried out even more when I am able to fully petition to the Lord with those exact words from the author who seemed to draw out my heart's burden for the church.

Sharing from 1 Corinthians 3:5-9 where the bible talked about 2 Godly leaders, this is what stood out to me...

"Paul insists that he and Apollos are merely labourers on God's farm. One ploughs the ground. Another plans the seed. One waters the field. Another reaps the harvest. God assignes each a task. As God's farmhands, Paul and Apollos are NOT in competition. They ARE ONE. They are united around a common cause: HARVEST! They are equal and equally nothing before God as far as the produce is concerned. God ALONE makes the seed grow. So there is NO-POINT hero-worshipping. You are God's field, says Paul. And who are we? We are just SERVANTS, working together for God and for you. We ARE ONE, WHY AREN'T YOU?

Leaders are KEY to UNITY. Paul and Apollos were one. But their flock was divided, ironically, over them! The odd thing about Corinthian jealousy and strife is that it wasnt about lovers, money or material things - the normal stuff worldly people fight over. It was about spiritual things and spiritual leaders!

Compared to Apollos, the Corinthians rated Paul poorly. But Paul never saw Apollos as a rival. He esteemed him as an equal, a fellow worker. Both were men, not children. They were above petty sibling rivalry seething away in the Corinthian creche. Are we?

Are we pulling together?

Read Phil 2:1-4 aloud a few times and personalise the prayer as the author wrote.

Lord, as I commit myself to live out this calling in Phil 2:1-4, may you lead and guide me through every step of the way, fixing my eyes on You alone...amen.

Faith With Actions

"What good is it, dear brothers and sisters,
if you say you have faith but don't show it by your acitons?
Can that kind of faith save anyone?
Suppose you see a brother or sister who has no food or clothing,
and you say, "Goodbye and have a good day; stay warm and eat well"-
but then you don't give that person any food or clothing.
What good does that do? So you see, faith by itself isn't enough.
Unless it produces good deeds, it is dead and useless."
James 2:14-17 (NLT)
"The leap of faith always means loving without expective to be loved in return, without wanting to receive, inviting without hoping to be invited, holding without asking to be held" ~ Henri Nouwen