Jesus' Triple J Hotspot

"But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD." Joshua 24:16b


I love people!

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Wide Gate or Narrow Gate? (Matt 7:13-14)

Hmm, was spending time with God and thought I wanna pen down these interesting verses.

Though the verses refer very much about choosing a secular life (wide gate) or everlasting life (narrow gate), it also applies very well in my current situation. *Psss...anyway, I've already chosen the narrow gate and have been enjoying the journey behind the gate, hahaha...

Wide Gate
There're times when I struggle whether I should be back to a full-time job, particularly when I look at our house finances. It's not that we dont have enough, but its that we've to be stringent in everything we spend on. And also, I feel quite bogged down at times having to take care of 2 kids day in/ day out. You know, like some would term it "Huang lian po", hahaha...

IF...I go back to working full-time, we can either engage a maid to help with the chores and take care of 2 kids while we're at work, or put the 2 kids to infant and child care respectively. Honestly, I feel that is a easy way out for parents to skip parenting and nuturing duties (but there're, I must say, some genuine cases where the family needs 2 to support the household).

Narrow Gate
Such thoughts come to me every now and then (which is not a good thought to entertain), especially when I'm handling the finance matters in the family. When I was doing part-time, it's not so bad, cos I only spend 4hrs a day out-of-sight from the kids, can earn some income to supplement the family and can even impact youngsters' lives!

So, I'd still wanna work part-time again. If any of you know of any jobs (best if its home-based), do let me know ok, like tuition la, co-ordination la...! hahaha! so that I can still spend a reasonable amount of time nurturing my children (that God has entrusted me) and bring in income for the family!

Prayer Request
It's my prayer that with this decision that I have made, Josiah and Joshua will grow up to be men of God (through grounding them with spiritual values), standing firm in God's truth and not depart from His Words (through daily prayers). After all, it's just 3-5yrs of sacrifices as a SAHM or part-time worker (I keep reminding myself), so I'm just gonna perservere and ask that the Lord may see me through this period. Father, I ask that you may supply all my needs according to your riches in glory. Amen.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Monday Blues?!...

It's a slow going Monday for me. Thought I could sleep in a little longer, but Josiah kept opening the door and asked me for permission to switch on his favorite Barney show...haiz, eventually got woken by this "alarm clock", hahaha...

Irregardless, am gonna start spending a good amount of quality time with the Lord today. So, hopefully, I can share some insights with you tomorrow, rather than sharing with you just my happenings, k!

Look out for juicier & Xciting things I'm about to share with you!

Bye for now!...

Friday, March 16, 2007

Whoa! I'm like a PUMPkin in Orchard!

Gee...since being a mother, I have not been to a PROPER shopping spree for like "decades" man!

See, I needed to get a cotton top to cover my nursing spag top which has got slits on the sides for breastfeeding, but dunno where I can get a presentable and yet affordable one. So called one of my trendy mummy friend up and she recommended me to check out Far East Plaza.

Oo La lA! Didnt know that the place sells lots of nice clothings and bags! *wondering what world am I in now...* So, told my dear husband that I must come back again, but this time, not just restraint to 2hrs but a good half day at least! *which means, my 2 children have to come along, cos gotta bf one and cant leave the other at home* hahaha...and oh, dun get me wrong! I'm not gonna buy lots of stuff. But at least, keep myself abreast on the latest fashion in town. Been wanting to get a bigger lady bag to contain my 2 kiddos' stuff and yet can use it when I go out alone. So still looking out for one.

ok...better run along to get showered. Both my princes gonna be up anytime now, my break time's over! Muahahaha....!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Time Ticks...

Now that I have alittle time at hand, I'd better blog more before it starts to rot again...hahaha...

Well, let me see...I had a good time playing soccer with Josiah after his lunch today! It was fun being able to spend time with him alone which I do make it a point to do so daily. Cos I have to feed Joshua every 2hrly, so little time is allocated for Jo Jo. But guess it'd made up by sitting beside him watching his Disney Playhouse together and talking to him about the shows we watch. At least, he'd know that I care and love him lots still...

Need to really think how to better make full use of a day's time to nurture these 2 kids at their stages. "Oh Father, grant me wisdom for your children I pray! Amen!"

Just wanna learn to enjoy every stage of their development.

"God makes all things beautiful in His time!" ~ Eccl

Reaching Out or Follow-Up

Which is more important?

Wats the point of reaching out when there's no follow-up?!?

I've been struggling with this for a while cos each time I hear of people being eager and on fire to reach out, I would be more than eager to ask "So, whats the follow-up plan then?"

While we may think that we've brought someone to the Lord by saying the sinner's prayer with them and welcoming them to God's family, we have actually done them a great dis-service if we fail to share with them the fundamental truths of God, like His Love (John 3:16), His strength (Phil 4:13) when we feel weak...the list goes on. There're jus so many beautiful promises and assurances that God has given us thru His Word that we'd have missed the mark if we don't share this with new believers so that they may experience the joy, peace and intimate relationship like we do!

So, friends, I urge you. Don't jus stop at saving souls, continue to run the race of transforming their lives by leading them to Christ! And how to do it? Thru the Word of God and the Holy Spirit! Don't know how? Beep me, quick quick!!!

*I love becos He first loved me and chose to die on the cross for me even while I was a sinner and was unfaithful...wat more can I ask?!?*

It's ALIVE! case some of you tot our blog is "gone-a-do", then U R WRONG!

Juz that both Jeff and myself have been really busy to post any entries; he with his work, ministry and now, with his newly loved sport - tchoukball! While yours truly, is keeping her hands full with 2 princes...YES! The arrival of God's yet another blessing, Joshua Ang! You should have seen Josiah, he really loves his brother very much and it affects him when Joshua cries and he loves to hold him, hug him and even kiss him! aww...such a sweet brother! jus melt mummy's heart!

I must say its not easy to cope with 2 lil ones, but God is good! He never fails to send his angels (my MIL and her helper) when I needed badly! So, for now, I'm a lil dat relaxed cos there are 3 of us to take care of 2 of them while my hubby goes to work! PTL!

Joshua's born on 14 Jan 07, tho' his due date's supposed to be 24 Jan. I guess God could have wanted him to have the opportunity to meet his late grandfather (who passed on on his due date)...well, it wasn't easy during my first 2 weeks of confinement, having to juggle with healing, adjusting to lil addition, Jeff's father's funeral and handling house matters with my mum alone.

Oh oh! You know wat! God again worked miraculously in helping me deliver Joshua! Wow!...I'm jus so in awe of Him, man! This time, no nun came in to pray for me, so while Jeff was out getting his dinner, I told Joshua (who's then still in my tummy) that we have to ask God for yet another miracle this time (knowing that mummy here is very afraid of pain). And...*drum roll* Josh came out in jus 4hrs time (6pm-10pm)! Hallelujah! ~personal nurse remained unchanged...who else but my beloved hubby! muahahaha!...

Yup, that perhaps sums up wats been happening in the month of Jan-Mar, cos still on maternity, so nothing much changes for now until 1 Apr, cos...*keep u guys in suspense first*

*sent this entry at 3.25am cos throat's irritating me and I couldnt getta sleep...could also be the ice-blended mocha that I had with Jeff earlier (on our short date) tsk tsk...its been a long while since we dated...